Wednesday April 26th Update On Reach For The Stars Episode 150-152


Kamla tells everyone that Raghav’s here. Kamla wishes him holi. He says same to you. Kamla and Vitthal welcome them. Manda asks will you play holi with us? Kamla says no he doesn’t like colors no one will put colors on him. The lady comes in the balcony. kamal does the arthi of Raghav.

Manda calls Nettu and says your holi is ahppy now. Raghav is here. Nettu says okay I am coming. Mummy ji asks why are you so happy nettu ? She says yeah its holi. tell Sahil that.. Mummy ji says that you are going to the party. She says no I am going to the chowl. Pakhi is there so i wanna celebrate with her.

Raghav sits on a chair and sees everyone. Kamla says Sammy happy holi. Vitthal says tp everyone that sammy will play holi with us. Everyone applies color to his face. Pakhi brings Raghav thandai. HE says no thanks. Pakiya mixes the bhang in the drinks. Kalpi stares at Raghav. Nettu arrives at the chowl. SOme people dip her in t he colors. She is so upset. Kamla wishes her happy holi. Nettu asks Manda where is Raghav ? Manda is drunk she says don’t annoy me. Nettu says whats wrong with you. Manda says madam looks like you as well and she is such an idiot. Nettu says I am that madam. Nettu asks tell me where is raghav ? Manda says let me tell you something else manda has some lady at her home.

Pakiya and Pakhi dance on a song. While Kalpi and Raghav looks at each other. SAmmy enjoys them as well. Kamla asks Kalpi to check the lady. SHe goes upstairs. Raghav follows her. When she comes out of the house she finds him there. She is about to leave but Raghav holds her hand and gets her into his front. He says you didn’t answer me. Tell me what’s that I don’t have ? I look fine, earn well. Kalpana I has never happened with me before that I can’t sleep at night. I feel weird all the times just because of you. Kalpi says sir.. He says I admit I have fallen for you and I am as shocked as you. Tell me what should be the next step. Accept this love or reject it but you have to tell me whats the problem with me or whats stops you. Kalpi says yeah something is stopping me, an unseen wall between you and me. That long gap between.

We are so different that well will never be together. Its just a matter of stories. He says there is a place where earth and sky meet. Kalpi says we just feel like they do but actually they never. You are right in front of me but the gap is still the same. You came here at holi but still far apart from colors. You will never be comfortable in my world. He says I am different and from a different world ? My world is just you. He holds her closer.
Scene 3

Pakhi looks for Raghavb but he is no where. Kalpi is about to leave when Raghav applies color on her face. She can’t believe it. She turns back, he applies more color on her face and holds her hand. The song, ‘tum hi ho’ plays in the background. Pakhi is coming upstairs to look for Raghav. Raghav gives Kalpi colors’ plate. He says after years you are the one who brought colors in my life and I will hold on to that. This is holi right ? Won’t you color me ?

Raghav says to Kalpi won’t you put color on me ? don’t think too much. I don’t care you name our relationship or not but this moment is special to both us. You opened new ways of life for me. I said what I had to but you never answered. Please tell me. Kalpi takes the plate and is about to apply a little color on his cheek when Paki comes and says sir I have been waiting for you since so long. She says please sir come with us and play holi. I won’t put much color on you. She takes him with her but Kalpi’s hand with color touches his.

Nettu is really frustrated. manda asks who are you ? She says I am your boss. Manda asks you came here for something. She says no I came hereto see something. She points at Raghav and Pakhi. Kalpi follows Raghav and Pakhi as well. Pakhi asks Raghav to dance. He says no I don’t. She says you have to. Pakhi is dancing. Raghav just moves a little. Raghav looks at Kalpi she smiles. Pakhi applies color on Raghav and says happy holi, so does he. She goes to Kamla and says Raghav put color on me. I am so happy. Raghav comes to Kalpi but his phone rings. He says okay I will be there. He sees Pakhi and says I have to leave there is some urgent work at the office but I had a good time. Kalpi and Pakhi both are smiling. Everyone get busy in the celebrations. The lady comes in the balcony. Manda shows her to Nettu. Kamla comes there as well. Nettu wonders where has she seen her. She sees Kamal going up and she follows her. Kamla asks the lady come in.

Nettu comes in too. Kamla says come in madam. She says I needed water. Nettu says she is the same lady she is alive what will happen now. Kamla asks do you recognize her ? Nettu says no how could I ? She says I have to leave and leaves .

At late night Pakiya asks Manda that you must enjoy working in big homes. You must steal a lot of stuff. She says yeah I don’t leave anyone. Kamla gives Vitthal lemonade. He says I will drink if you sit here. Kamla says what are you doing ? Vitthal asks Kalpi how much I love your Ai ? SHe says so much. Vitthal hold kamla and says I love you. I juts wanna spend my life with you.You are the who stood by my daugter. Its all because of you. Kamla says what are you saying. He says a man only speaks truth when he’s drunk. Everyone uses to taumt me that my wife works and I sit at home. It hurt a lot but you never let me break. Kamla says how could I ?

We are together forever. You are so rich for me. They hug each other and Kalpi hugs them as well.
Neetu is getting restless in wait of Sahil. Sahil comes and she informs him about Tai. Kalpi is waiting at the bus stop and thinking about her Holi with Raghav. She thinks if he reaches before her then what she will say. Just then Raghav comes there in his car. He asks Kalpi to sit in it. She refuses and says will go herself, but he insists her and she sits. She keeps calling him ‘sir’ which he doesn’t like. He asks her to call him Raghav. Kalpi says how she can call him with his name. They stop at a signal. A boy comes to sell flowers. Raghav tells him to tell Kalpi to call him with his name and after that he will buy flowers from him, but the boy also calls him sir. Raghav buys the flowers regardless and then gives them to Kalpi. Kalpi smiles. Raghav then asks her for dinner. She doesn’t say anything and smiles. Raghav takes it as a yes.

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